Tuesday, 8 November 2011

London Calling...

Recently I had a chance to spend weekend in London. Well that trip was planned for ages with my previous course mates. The main purpose was Night photography…well that didn’t go well – unfortunately… But no matter what I finally find my area in photography what really suits me and gives me more pleasure that everything else…and its focusing on details…not panorama or landscape view…not portraits particularly…but some sort of weird way search for patterns and details, lines and shapes, what some of us will just passing by...


Same how I found that I like capture not a whole scene but just a detail of it…don’t really know how to call that, but this is probably what I want to people focusing on…if landscape, street, architectural or even portrait photography you have to think where to place main focus point that easily will bring viewers’ attention in my photographs as you can see the main subject includes all scene, cropping off everything else.

~W. Eugene Smith~ American photojournalist and photographer once said…”The world just does not fit conveniently into the format of a 35mm camera”…so probably in my case its absolute truth as I really enjoy capture a little, best peace’s  from this world.


  1. I like the colour's that you've captured - they look vibrant against some of the paler elements of the images - particularly the London Eye, and the first image of the number on the bright blue walll

  2. For me it's the bikes, the one with the Eye in the background and the old door. For the latter two there is history, why are these being allowed to decline? The bright, brash London Eye forming the background to something that is so unloved, great contrast.

  3. Hi
    These images are really strong, and your use of visual vocabulary to describe how you are seeing these scenes is becoming more advanced. RIch and varied images shot from a range of different and suitable viewpoints.
    Particularly like the cars and the door and also the numbers.


  4. Hi
    Oh and you labels need doing more frequently as we discussed

